Soul Coaching with Multi-Passionate Creativepreneurs Andi & Nadia for the womxn ready to receive a customized strategy on how to up level her earnings by tapping into her unique strengths, natural energetics, innate gifts and skills. 

Make waves in this 90 days soul coaching programming beginning February 1st!



→ Work 1:1 alongside 2 soulful business coaches to create your new strategy through “The Seachange Method.”

→ Become a Conscious Creatives Business School student - an 8 module program designed to give you all the tools to go from idea to launch.

→ Uncover and create new offerings using your innate skills and strengths.

→ Create a recognizable online brand.

→ Grow an engaged audience and make a positive social impact by spreading your truth through an aligned brand message.

→ Fully align with your Human Design and North Node astrology so you can tap into your energetics and soul purpose with grace.


You'll leave the 90 day program with a strategic blueprint designed to turn your business into a magnet for money. Together, we will co-create a roadmap to elevate your personal vision into one that delivers a prosperous future of freedom. 


The Opulent Shift includes: 


1 x 60 minute Seachangers Foundations Business Plan LIVE Masterclass with Nadia

– The Seachangers Foundation Business Plan Workbook will be included (*this must be completed prior to any 1:1 session’s*) (value $500+) 


1 x 60 minute Mentorship Session 1:1 with Nadia

– In this session we will go over your Seachangers Foundation Business Plan so it becomes your new business bible. We will dive deep into creating your new vision, offerings, goals and strategy. Together, we will create a foundational blueprint of your business and create a structured roadmap with inspired action steps to hit your goals for 2021 (value $250+)


1 x 45 minute 2:1 coaching call with Coach’s Andi & Nadia

This 2:1 coaching call will focus on elevating the vision and overcoming any current hurdles and limiting beliefs so you're fully ready to stand in your power and worth. (value $500+)


1 Human Design chart review and integration plan

Andi will help you maximize your inherent super powers. (includes a review your energetics & gates and channels to identify your innate gifts in a 30-45 min recording(value $250+)


1 North Node chart review

Andi will help you to uncover your soul purpose and create actionable steps in pursuit of big vision and dreams (includes a review your natal charge to uncover your karmic path via the South and North Node placements in a 30-45 min recording (value $250+) 


90 days of Culte La Lune

– Andi's “Art of Lunar Living Course” designed to align your life to the energetic cycles of the moon in order to invoke the wealth of the universe, deepen your creativity, manifest more, cultivate zen and cleanse energetically. (value $1500+)


1 x Strengthsfinder Assessment

– Discover your top CliftonStrengths themes - this is your talent DNA. The assessment will explain the ways you most naturally think, learn, feel and respond in all areas of your life. (value $50+) 


Complete access to The Conscious Creative Business School Signature Program

– the CCBS curriculum will guide you deeper into business planning, branding, marketing and soulful social media. (8 online modules + bonus lessons(value $2000+)


4 x office hours with Andi

– in these sessions join in to share ideas, ask business specific questions, brainstorm new revenue streams, and review goals and action plans. (value $400+) 


also included:


Soul Shine Seasonal Circle monthly membership (value $33/mo)

Seachangers library of resources – These workshop cover topic such as marketing, branding, human design, business foundations and more. (value $1300+)

Unlimited questions to Nadia & Andi via dm group for 90 days (priceless!) 



Total investment: $366/month for 3 months 

To book a discovery call email us at [email protected].

Meet Nadia & Andi

Nadia and Andi are two soul coaches and multi-passionate creativepreneurs who've built million dollar brands and personal businesses. They're committed to showing female founders that building a conscious company, that creates impact, wealth and personal freedom is possible.

They're equally comfortable in boardrooms or on the beaches of Bali (where they met!) and believe that to achieve incredible, life changing success it all begins with a commitment to personal transformation.

After years in the beauty industry and working in hotel management across the globe, Nadia's love of freedom and the open road inspired her to start a music management agency alongside her musician husband giving them the opportunity to live the Digital Nomad life while starting their family and exploring the world.

Within 4 years, while working from cafes, villas, and poolside all around the world, she grew her company to a million dollars in revenue. She's fiercely passionate about encouraging and mentoring women to dream big, and step outside of their comfort zone to create their ideal lifestyles.

Andi has a mission of inspiring women to find their most authentic selves and the confidence to go for their biggest, juiciest dreams. She spent 10+ years as a Senior Executive in the beauty industry before becoming a student of Astrology, Human Design, Meditation and Kundalini.

Her commitment to understanding cosmic energetics and soul exploration lead to her popular blog Oui, We - currently read by over 1/2 million each month - becoming a must read. Her love of building conscious businesses led her to launch her consulting business and her online business school for Conscious Creatives.

Together they bring the ‘ying’ & ‘yang’ to Seachangers and their 2:1 coaching programs. They're living proof that when you listen to your intuition, draw on your inner strength and live your truth, anything is possible.

With years of experience in Entrepreneurship, Digital Strategy, Creative Direction, Marketing, Business Management, Client Acquisition plus a deep understanding of how our innate gifts, talents and energetics influence our success, it is their mission to empower and support women to live a rich, passion filled life.

Before we begin...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.



Great, I’m in! Now what happens?


YAY! We’re excited to get you going! 

You will receive a detailed program outline including dates, content instructions and resources. FYI: The Masterclass will be LIVE and recorded if you miss it.

For all other 1:1's and 2:1's we scheduling these directly with you. 


What if I want more 1:1 support?


We’ve put this program together so it can cover the foundation of your blueprint and roadmap in 90 days. We are confident we can do this together in 90 days. However, for those that wish to have further support, we’re here for you and upon availability you can add on 1:1’s at a special rate within the program of $200/hr. 


Do I need to have an active business to enter?


You do not need an active business to enter this program but you must be ready to have an active business within 90 days.


Interested? Have more questions? Not sure if it’s for you?


Let’s jump on a 20 minute discovery call to go over your goals for 90 days and see if this program is a good fit for you and if your goals align with what we're offering. No obligation of course, and we'll continue to support you through the Circle. 

Join the Opulent Shift